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Google 桌面通知 Notification

Notification Google插件开发中 进行桌面通知

检测 Notification 是否支持通知

    checkNotification() {
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
// 此浏览器不支持桌面通知
alert("This browser does not support desktop notification")

// 检查是否已授予通知权限
// check whether notification permissions have alredy been granted
else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {

// 如果已经授权创建通知
// If it's okay let's create a notification
new Notification("", {
body: "欢迎使用百度~",
data: "这里会显示什么---"

// 否则,请向用户请求权限
// Otherwise, ask the user for permission
else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
// 如果用户同意了授权 创建通知
// If the user accepts, let's create a notification
if (permission === "granted") {
new Notification("Request granted!")